The new IS schools in Raqqa: “No more math or art, just Jihad related subjects”


Forget about art history, music and social science. No reference to democracy, elections or even chemistry,  should ever be made in a classroom. Children should just learn about the Prophet and the art of war. Welcome to the new Islamic State (IS) school in Raqqa, Syria.  Since August 30 new subjects were introduced in the school curriculum. Of course no girls will be allowed in class and most of the subjects should prepare kids to the jihad. “They are basically brainwashing them,” said Zaid al-Fares, a photojournalist from Raqqa who flew to Turkey earlier this summer. He wrote an article on the International Business Times and he describes the situation as beyond than terrible.

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“I want to go back to Iraq and finish the job”

I wrote this article in Italian for The Post Internazionale and you can find it here, an abstract in English below:

“I want to go back and finish the job.” Jake is a 24 years-old veteran and he wants to fight in Iraq. He had been in the army for five years, 13 months of which he had spent in Iraq protecting the Golden Mosque at Samarra. He also trained the Iraqi army. Now he is trying to go back “to protect the people of Iraq and honor the ones [U.S. soldiers] who paid the ultimate sacrifice.” About 4,400 U.S. soldiers lost their lives in the 8-year long war. On June 7 when Jake saw Mosul falling into ISIS hands he immediately tried to re-enlist in the army, but the recruiters did not take him back. “I felt abandoned,” he told me.

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I decided to start this blog to talk about controversial topics regarding military and social conflicts. I will also share my articles and others I find interesting around the web. I will be posting soon, so in the meantime please be patient and stay tuned.
Ciao, for now!

Benedetta Argentieri

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